MY Friendly GK

Rs. 499


My Friendly GK, based on the New Education policy, is a well graded series of eight books for classes 1 to 8. As a subject, General Knowledge can be immensely vast, unmanageable and burdensome. The author has fully exploited his expertise and experience to select the essential aspects of the subject that an average child at a particular age is expected to know. The contents include a systematic, purposeful and objective study of a wide range of disciplines and environment around us. This satisfies the inquisitiveness of the learners’ questioning of how, what, where, who and why, in a systematic manner. Thus becoming active participants in the process of learning and finding it an enjoyable creative and mentally satisfying activity. The series enables them to keep abreast of all the information, changes and progress taking place in the world today. It prepares the learners to face this highly competitive and information oriented world with confidence and curiosity.

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